Another all-year bird here is the American kestrel. In St.
John I see them sitting in the tops of trees, or on the wires waiting to catch unwary
lizards that venture out to sun themselves on the road. In New York the
kestrels also sit in treetops, now leafless, but are more likely to be preying
on the house sparrows and mice they see on the ground in the city.
Resident Red-tailed hawks also can be found both in St. John
and New York City. In the city they go after rats and mice, and can snatch pigeons
on the wing. In St. John they eat rodents and birds as well – maybe lizards
Many other birds can be seen in both New York and St. John
at different times of the year, but very few can be seen in the winter in both
Laurel Brannick from the Virgin Islands National Park has led
weekly bird walks at St. John’s Francis Bay for many years, but is now
temporarily assigned to New York’s Gateway National Recreation Area. She and I
recently went birding on a snowy morning in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. It
was too cold to stay out for long, and the birds looked pretty uncomfortable
too, even with their down jackets. But it was good to be out together again.
Laurel is currently working on a
slide show for the National Park Service documenting the migration pathways and
other connections between New York City and the Virgin Islands birds. It is a
nice way for us to keep connected as well, looking through photos from St. John
and also learning new information about northern birds.